
        EUBAM assists partner services in promoting legitimate travel and trade across the border while ensuring border security and helping cut crime.

        边境综合管理, 或IBM, may sound like another piece of technical jargon, but is actually the concept the EU has embraced for coherent and coordinated border management systems. It is designed to ensure that Governments maintain secure borders with as little inconvenience to travelers and cross-border trade as possible. It emphasizes co-ordination within and between border services, 以及国际合作. 在这个视频中, Razvan Budeanu, EUBAM外地业务负责人, explains IBM and how EUBAM is supporting both Ukraine and Moldova in its implementation.

        The IBM concept has been at the heart of the Mission’s work since its establishment in 2005. EUBAM has worked with policy makers to develop legislation, strategies and procedures to ensure the concept is enshrined in both Moldova and Ukraine. National 边境综合管理 Strategies are currently being implemented in both countries, and EUBAM is supporting this through the 58 border and customs experts working at Border Crossing Points. 弗拉季斯拉夫·瓦西里基夫斯基上校, Head of the Border Control Department of the South Regional Directorate of Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service explains how the Mission has supported Ukraine.

        正如瓦西里科夫斯基上校所指出的, joint patrolling of the Ukraine-Moldova border was introduced in 2011 with the support of EUBAM. 这目前发生在1次中的752次,222 km-long border by Moldova’s Border Police and Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service. Joint patrolling has improved the operational co-operation and co-ordination between the two services, allowing them to respond quicker and more coherently to cross-border threats. 它也更具成本效益. Jarmo Kemppinen of EUBAM’s Field Office in Kuchurhan explains how joint patrolling works in this photo slideshow.

        Not all of EUBAM’s support f或IBM implementation is provided at the border however. In 2006, Ukraine and Moldova agreed to the pre-arrival exchange of information of goods being transported between the two countries. 这个系统, 称为PAIES, was launched in April 2008 with EUBAM support and enables the customs services in both countries to perform fast clearance of low risk goods when they arrive. This in turn allows for better organization of cargo flow and less queues at border crossing points. The system has proven to be so effective that in May 2014 the European Commission used PAIES as the basis for pilot information exchanges between Ukraine and the neighbouring EU countries of Romania, 波兰, 斯洛伐克和匈牙利. The system was also been replicated on the Ukraine-Belarus border in 2013. In the below article, EUBAM expert Sofia Olsson explains how PAIES works and its benefits.




        • 我们是谁?

          The European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) works in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to:

          – Promote European Union border management standards and procedures for a quicker crossing of people and goods;

          -Enhance the professional capacities of the Moldovan and Ukrainian Customs and Border Authorities;

          -Assist Moldovan and Ukrainian authorities in combating cross-border crime more efficiently;

          -Act as a catalyst and bring together key stakeholders to strengthen cross-border cooperation between the border authorities and law enforcement agencies;

          -Contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.

        • 我们所做的?

          We are at the border between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to:

          • Promote European border management standards and procedures for a quicker crossing of people and goods;
          • Enhance the professional capacities of the Moldovan and Ukrainian Customs and Border Authorities;
          • Assist our Moldovan and Ukrainian partners in combating cross-border crime more efficiently;
          • Act as a catalyst and bring together key stakeholders to strengthen cross-border cooperation between border authorities and law enforcement agencies;
          • Contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.

        • 我们工作的地方?

          特派团总部设在敖德萨, 乌克兰和其他国家, 有两个国家办事处(基希讷乌, 摩尔多瓦和敖德萨, 乌克兰)和边境的主要工作地点.

          The Moldovan-Ukrainian state border is 1222 km long, 其中955公里是“绿色”(陆地)边界, 267公里是“蓝色”(河流)边界.

          There are over 60 official crossing points on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, 包括国际, 州际和本地, 25 of which are located on the central (Transnistrian) segment.

          The length of the Administrative Line between the two banks of the Nistru/Dniester is 411 km. 沿线有9个海关哨所, where representatives of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova conduct customs control with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs representatives. There are also 6 subdivisions of the Bureau for Migration and Refugees, where foreigners can voluntarily register or deregister.