Good governance and anti-corruption runs through all of EUBAM’s activities. When left unchecked, corruption inhibits investment and damages trade. It can be the root cause which allows smuggling and trafficking to flourish and erodes border security.
在制度层面上, the Mission has worked with Moldova and Ukraine’s border agencies to put in place robust regulations and mechanisms to prevent, detect and investigate corrupt behaviour. Slawomir Pichor, Head of EUBAM’s Office in Moldova, explains how EUBAM helps to tackle corruption.
Prevention is the most sustainable and effective means to combat corruption. That means shaping the behaviour of Customs and Border Officers. In 2016, EUBAM worked with Moldova’s Customs Service to develop their Code of Ethics and Conduct. The new Code complies with international standards of integrity and outlines the fundamental principles of ethics, mandatory norms of professional conduct and discipline. Artiom Popenco, Principal Inspector of Integrity and Surveillance Division of Moldova’s Customs Service explains why the Code matters.
Modernised Customs practices are also an important means to curtail corruption. EUBAM promotes simplified customs procedures such as automated clearance and the introduction of Single Window systems, which reduces the possibilities for corrupt practices.
EUBAM’s border and customs experts also take the fight against corruption to the border crossing points on the Moldova-Ukraine border. The Mission regularly visit the 69 border crossing points on the common border, as well as ports of entry at Odesa, Chornomorsk and Giurgiulesti ports. They observe the practices of Customs and Border Officers, advise on the transparency of procedures and seek to ensure that corruption is not practiced.
EUBAM’s experts have a zero-tolerance approach to corruption. Where corruption is suspected or reported to them, these concerns are shared with the management of the respective service and robustly follow-up to ensure complaints are investigated.
The European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) works in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to:
– Promote European Union border management standards and procedures for a quicker crossing of people and goods;
-Enhance the professional capacities of the Moldovan and Ukrainian Customs and Border Authorities;
-Assist Moldovan and Ukrainian authorities in combating cross-border crime more efficiently;
-Act as a catalyst and bring together key stakeholders to strengthen cross-border cooperation between the border authorities and law enforcement agencies;
-Contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.
We are at the border between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to:
- Promote European border management standards and procedures for a quicker crossing of people and goods;
- Enhance the professional capacities of the Moldovan and Ukrainian Customs and Border Authorities;
- Assist our Moldovan and Ukrainian partners in combating cross-border crime more efficiently;
- Act as a catalyst and bring together key stakeholders to strengthen cross-border cooperation between border authorities and law enforcement agencies;
- Contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.
The Mission is headquartered in Odesa, 乌克兰和其他国家, has two country offices (Chisinau, 摩尔多瓦和敖德萨, Ukraine) and key working locations on the border.
The Moldovan-Ukrainian state border is 1222 km long, of which 955 km is the “green” (land) border, and 267 km is the “blue” (river) border.
There are over 60 official crossing points on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, 包括国际, 州际和本地, 25 of which are located on the central (Transnistrian) segment.
The length of the Administrative Line between the two banks of the Nistru/Dniester is 411 km. There are 9 customs posts along the Line, where representatives of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova conduct customs control with the support of the Ministry of Internal Affairs representatives. There are also 6 subdivisions of the Bureau for Migration and Refugees, where foreigners can voluntarily register or deregister.